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Our Vision

To provide loving, compassionate care for the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of patients and their families during End Of Life by relieving suffering, providing comfort, and helping to improve quality of living and dying.

Our Goals

Our current short term goals are to educate the community about accessing family support for individuals in need of hospice care. In the future we hope to have Hospice Care beds for our community to to utilize as a comforting, peaceful and supportive setting for the patient and family.

Difference between Hospice and Palliative Care

If you or loved ones are facing a serious illness you will have probably heard the terms “palliative care” or “hospice”.  Both are meant to bring comfort and relief, but they differ in some important ways.  


PALLIATIVE CARE aims to ease pain and help with other problems if your illness is considered to be life-threatening, but end of life is not imminent.  It helps people live with the symptoms of long-running serious illnesses. Palliative doesn’t replace other treatments, it helps you and your family deal with side effects to medicines, depression and everyday living.  Palliative Care helps you to have some control over your life and illness. You are still in active treatment seeking quality and quantity of life. 


HOSPICE CARE is for people who are no longer receiving active treatment.  It is about easing pain and helping families prepare for the end of life. People in hospice care generally are expected to have less than 4 months to live.  This care offers doctors, nurses and counselors specialized in end of life care for the patient and family. Help to address the grief and emotions during the process of dying.  Hospice Care strives to meet the end of life with dignity, provide for the patient and the family while allowing serenity no matter what the circumstances may be. 

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